Consumable Potions
These following new items are available as a part of A3 Mania's gameplay progression.
Void Stone
![]() Void Stone resets the cooldowns of all of your spells. Any spells that you cast after you have consumed void stone will not have any cooldowns and you can instantly re-cast them. Duration: 4 minutesCooldown: 8 minutes
Rubals Elixir
Rubals Elixir will provide special properties for each class. ![]() WarriorReturns 50% of incoming damage onto the opponent who deals the damage. Applies to both Melee and Skill damage. The effect is fatal and you might die due to the Damage. ![]() MageIncreases magic damage by 3 times when under this effect. ![]() Holy KnightDrains mana 50% of the damage dealt to opponent. ![]() ArcherConverts 50% of damage dealt on opponent to HP. Duration: 4 minutesCooldown: 8 minutes |
Perishable Items
Perishable items have an expiry date and can only be consumed within the Expiry of the item. Once the item expires, it can no longer be consumed.
Rubals Linguine
Rubal's Linguine provides 500,000 EXP to your active mercenary when you consume. This item expires in 24 hours and can only be consumed by Mania+ subscribers. |